Admission Questionnaire (Master's program)

The Admission Questionnaire is attached to the printed Japanese version of the Admission Guide. Applicants have to submit the original printed version.

The image shown below is for reference only.


Translation of the Admission Questionnaire form for Master's course

Fill out the form, detach along the dotted line on the left, and submit together with other application materials.

The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Department of Advanced Materials Science

受験者氏名 : Applicant's Full Name

ふりがな : Pronunciation (if applicable)

受験番号 / 記入不要 : Application Number / Official Use Only

出身大学 : Current or Most Recent University

大学 : University

学部 : Department

学科 : Major

年 月 卒業(見込) : Year Month of (Expected) Graduation Date

連絡先 : Contact Information

自宅又は下宿等の住所と電話番号 : Home or apartment Address and Phone Number

〒… : Address

電話 : Phone

携帯電話利用可能な場合の電話番号 : Mobile Phone number (if available)

所属研究室(職場)と電話番号 : Laboratory or work place affiliation and phone number

大学 : University

学部 : Department

学科 : Major

研究室 : Laboratory

電話 : Phone number

志望する研究室 : Laboratory Preference

Rank the desired assignment laboratories with numbers starting from 1.

(少なくとも、第 1 志望から第 10 志望までの番号を必ず記入すること。)
(Rank at least 10 laboratories)
H. Okamoto-Kida Lab. Terashima-T. Ito Lab Inoue Lab.
Arima-Tokunaga Lab. Mitarai-Matsunaga Lab. Otani Lab.
Shibauchi-Hashimoto Lab. Sasaki Lab. Lippmaa Lab.
T. Kimura Lab. Mori Lab. Matsuda Lab.
Sugimoto Lab. Yamashita Lab. Okazaki Lab.
K. Ito-Yokoyama Lab. Hiroi Lab. Harada Lab.
Takeya-T. Okamoto-Watanabe Lab. Miwa Lab. Masuda Lab.
Ariga Lab. Yoshinobu Lab. Mayumi Lab.

志望分野 : Research Interests

Describe your desired Master’s research project in as much detail as possible.

(設問の英訳) : English translation of exam problems

Check the box if you want English translation of examination questions. □

The Japanese version of examination questions will also be distributed even if you check the above box.

(外国人等特別選考該当者のみ) : For Foreign and Special Selection candidates only

どちらかに〇印をつける。 : Please circle one

特別選考を希望する : Request Special Selection for foreign applicants

特別選考を希望しない : Do not request Special Selection for foreign applicants

(10 月入学の資格のある者のみ) : For those who are eligible for October admission

どちらかに〇印をつける。 : Please circle one

10月入学を希望する : Apply for October admission

10月入学を希望しない : Do not apply for October admission

切取線 : Cut here